Five Parenting Phrases I Use Daily
Here are some of our most commonly overheard phrases at home. Yes they get forgotten for days at a time but the more I practise the more second nature they become.
What’s your Child’s Sensory Diet?
Our nervous systems govern everything. Mood, hormones, immune system, digestion, blood vessels, muscles, brain signals… literally everything. That’s why any form of dysregulation can massively affect our kids’ behaviour. The more we can work with our child’s sensory preferences, the more time they’ll spend in a content, steady state.
Parenting Under Threat
Scanning the environment. Calculating risk. Assessing needs. Making quick decisions. Sounds like a military operation? It's actually not far from what high energy/anxious parents experience a lot of the time.
Parent Coaches Aren’t Perfect Parents
I really struggled to put my daughter to bed last night. Just when I thought she was drifting off, she ripped her nappy off, grabbed the monitor and threw it on the floor. I could feel my anxiety spike and was seconds from losing my temper.